Associazione InCo Interculturalità & Comunicazione APS

Associazione InCo Interculturalità & Comunicazione APS is a non-profit organization which has the mission of promoting international exchanges between young people, of increasing and improving the level of contact among different cultures, stimulating intercultural sensibility while preventing and combating racism, prejudices and social exclusion. The organization was created in 2004 by a group of enthusiastic former volunteers who decided to assist other peers in further developing and sharing their intercultural abilities and nonformal education knowledge.

We offer opportunities to discover the international environment through:

  1. Youth exchanges within the Erasmus+ programme: we have implemented a numerous youth exchanges about various topics such as: intercultural learning via art and music, intereligious dialogue, raising awareness on migration, environmental education, emotional intelligence, media literacy and others.
  2. Promotion of non-formal education in order to increase skills and employability of young people as part of our one-toone counciling meetings
  3. Promotion of international volunteering activities: using different means of communication, through our website, through local and national newsletters, through our social network platforms, but also informative meetings (info-day), distribution of leaflets in various cultural and educational centers around the region of Trentino Alto-Adige. InCo has recently been appointed to manage the Youth Center in Trento, Civico 13; thus giving more visibility to international learning opportunities for young people.