PLANBE Plan it Be it

“PlanBe, Plan it Be it” is a Non-Governmental, Non-Profit Organization based in Nicosia, Cyprus, managed by a team of youth workers, project managers and volunteers.

One of the main aims of “PlanBe” is to contribute to the positive societal changes by promoting wellbeing and personal development in youth. The mission of our organization is to develop and support the use of non-formal education, to foster entrepreneurship, to boost creativity, to support environmental consciousness, to promote sustainability, to foster democracy and human rights and to develop solidarity and tolerance among youngsters.

Our main focus is to promote the cultural heritage of Cyprus and bring youngsters closer to their tradition, to traditional jobs and the agriculture of our island, and to narrow down the generational gap between the older and the younger generations.

Therefore, we mainly design and run workshops and projects related to our cultural heritage, tangible and intangible, and how young people can gain new skills through our traditions and culture but also how youngsters can help in the preservation of these traditions and their transfer to younger generations. “PlanBe” has been established to support young people from all over Cyprus within the framework of non-formal and informal education.